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"; bodyout += 'E-mail: '+''+ emailaddr +'

'; bodyout += "Name: "+fullname+"

"; bodyout += "Address:

"; // bodyout += "To reply .. use: "+""+"

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} function Validate(){ var valid = true; if ( <=0) { alert("Please choose a -selection-");; valid = false; } if (document.order.count.value.substring(0,1) == "O"){ document.order.count.value = "0" + document.order.count.value.substring(1,2); } if (document.order.count.value.substring(1,2) == "O"){ document.order.count.value = document.order.count.value.substring(0,1) + "0"; } if ((document.order.count.value.substring(0,1) <= "0") || (document.order.count.value.substring(0,1) > "9")) { document.order.count.value = "1" + document.order.count.value.substring(1,2); } if ((document.order.count.value.substring(1,2) <= "0") || (document.order.count.value.substring(1,2) > "9")) { document.order.count.value = document.order.count.value.substring(0,1); } return valid; } function UpdateNameAddress (){ fullname = document.order.fname.value; fulladdress = document.order.addr.value; emailaddr = document.order.emailtxt.value; Compressform(); PrepareToMailThisForm(); WriteCookie(); } function NeedToAdd() { var nadd = true; i = 1; Mcardesc = ""; Mcarprep = ""; selindx =; AddToIndArray(0, selindx, true); // sets Mcardesc, Mcarprep if (total_entries > 0) { while (i <= total_entries) { if ((Mcardesc==slctn[i]) && (Mcarprep==prop1[i])) { nadd = false; // alter count here cnt[i] = (cnt[i]*1) + (document.order.count.value * 1); i = total_entries+1; } i++ } } return nadd; } function AddToIndArray(pos, indx, chkdup) { accsindx = document.order.accsry.selectedIndex; accsval = document.order.accsry.options[accsindx].value; accstext = document.order.accsry.options[accsindx].text; slctnhld = ""; prop1hld = ""; cnthld = 0; costhld = 0; chshld = 0; rcrhld = 0; prcofhld = 0; slctnhld =[indx].text; propindx = document.order.colors.selectedIndex; prop1hld = document.order.colors.options[propindx].text; paintindx = document.order.paintcolors.selectedIndex; painttext = document.order.paintcolors.options[paintindx].text; cnthld = document.order.count.value; if ((accsval == "A") && ((slctnhld.substring(1, 2) == "C") || (slctnhld.substring(1, 2) == "R"))) { slctnhld += " w/chs"; chshld = chsprice; } if (slctnhld.substring(1, 2) == "W") { slctnhld += " " + accstext; } if (accsval == "D") { slctnhld = "[Decals]" + slctnhld; } if ((accsval == "A") && (slctnhld.substring(1, 2) == "R")) { slctnhld += " (fin)"; rcrhld = 18; } if ((accsval == "B") && (slctnhld.substring(1, 2) == "R")) { slctnhld += " (fin)"; rcrhld = 18; } if ((accsval == "C") && (slctnhld.substring(1, 2) == "R")) { slctnhld += " (unf)"; rcrhld = 15; } if ((accsval == "B") && (slctnhld.substring(1, 2) == "C")) { slctnhld += " (fin)"; } if ((accsval == "C") && (slctnhld.substring(1, 2) == "C")) { slctnhld = "[Kit]" + slctnhld; } if ((painttext > " ") && (painttext != "-Skip-")) { prop1hld += " w/" + painttext; } if ((slctnhld.substring(2, 4) == "yk") || (slctnhld.substring(2, 4) == "us")) { prcofhld = 10; } if ((slctnhld.substring(2, 4) == "em") || (slctnhld.substring(2, 4) == "st") || (slctnhld.substring(2, 4) == "dr") || (slctnhld.substring(2, 4) == "tt")) { prcofhld = 12; } if (chkdup==true) { Mcardesc = slctnhld; Mcarprep = prop1hld; } else { slctn[pos] = slctnhld; prop1[pos] = prop1hld; cnt[pos] = cnthld; cost[pos] = costhld; chs[pos] = chshld; rcr[pos] = rcrhld; prcof[pos] = prcofhld; } } function AddToArray() { if (Validate() == true) { catmatch = false; selindx =; sel3cmpr =[selindx].text.substring(1, 4); seltext =[selindx].text; hit = false; if (NeedToAdd() == true) { if (total_entries == 0) { AddToIndArray(1, selindx, false); } i = 1; while (i <= total_entries) { slc3cmpr = slctn[i].substring(1, 4); if ((slctn[i] > seltext) && (hit == false)) { h_slctn = slctn[i]; h_prop1 = prop1[i]; h_cnt = cnt[i]; h_cost = cost[i]; h_chs = chs[i]; h_rcr = rcr[i]; h_prcof = prcof[i]; AddToIndArray(i, selindx, false); hit = true; } if ((i + 1 <= total_entries) && (hit == true)) { n_slctn = slctn[i + 1]; n_prop1 = prop1[i + 1]; n_cnt = cnt[i + 1]; n_cost = cost[i + 1]; n_chs = chs[i + 1]; n_rcr = rcr[i + 1]; n_prcof = prcof[i + 1]; slctn[i + 1] = h_slctn; prop1[i + 1] = h_prop1; cnt[i + 1] = h_cnt; cost[i + 1] = h_cost; chs[i + 1] = h_chs; rcr[i + 1] = h_rcr; prcof[i + 1] = h_prcof; h_slctn = n_slctn; h_prop1 = n_prop1; h_cnt = n_cnt; h_cost = n_cost; h_chs = n_chs; h_rcr = n_rcr; h_prcof = n_prcof; } if ((i + 1 > total_entries) && (hit == true)) { slctn[i + 1] = h_slctn; prop1[i + 1] = h_prop1; cnt[i + 1] = h_cnt; cost[i + 1] = h_cost; chs[i + 1] = h_chs; rcr[i + 1] = h_rcr; prcof[i + 1] = h_prcof; } // if i++; } // while if (hit == false) { AddToIndArray(total_entries + 1, selindx, false); } total_entries++; } // if need to add } // if valid } function AddToList(){ selindx =; selection1 =[selindx].text.substring(1,4); if (selection1=="XXX") { alert("Vehicle Discontinued"); } else { AddToArray(); AdjustTotals(); OutToGrid(); Compressform(); PrepareToMailThisForm(); WriteCookie(); Initialize(false); } } function AddToListRemote(){ selindx =; selection1 =[selindx].text.substring(1,4); if (selection1=="XXX") { alert("Vehicle Discontinued"); } else { AddToArray(); AdjustTotals(); Compressform(); WriteCookie(); Initialize(true); } } function AdjustTotals(){ cursel = new String(); priceoffset = 0; price = 44; total_ccost = 0; total_kcost = 0; total_bcost = 0; total_rcost = 0; total_wcost = 0; total_dcost = 0; total_cars = 0; total_cars_kits = 0; total_racers = 0; total_books = 0; total_wheels = 0; total_decals = 0; for (i=1; i<=total_entries; i++) { cursel = slctn[i]; if (cursel != null) { if (cursel.substring(1,2) == "C"){ total_cars += cnt[i] * 1; } if (cursel.substring(1,2) == "K"){ total_cars_kits += cnt[i] * 1; } if (cursel.substring(1,2) == "W"){ total_wheels += cnt[i] * 1; } if (cursel.substring(1,2) == "R"){ total_racers += cnt[i] * 1; } if (cursel.substring(1,2) == "B"){ total_books += cnt[i] * 1; } if (cursel.substring(1,2) == "D"){ total_decals += cnt[i] * 1; } } } if (total_cars >= 10) { price = 28; } if (total_cars >= 20) { price = 25; } if (total_cars >= 50) { price = 22; } if (total_cars >= 100) { price = 20; } for (i=1; i<=total_entries; i++) { if (cnt[i] > 0) { cursel = slctn[i]; if ((total_cars >= 10) && (prcof[i] > 0)) { priceoffset = prcof[i] - 4; } else { priceoffset = prcof[i]; } if (cursel.substring(1,2)=="R") { cost[i] = cnt[i] * (rcr[i] + chs[i]); total_rcost += cost[i]; } if (cursel.substring(1,2)=="C"){ cost[i] = cnt[i] * (price + priceoffset + chs[i]); total_ccost += cost[i]; } if (cursel.substring(1,2)=="K"){ cost[i] = cnt[i] * 15; total_kcost += cost[i]; } if (cursel.substring(1,2)=="W"){ cost[i] = cnt[i] * 3; total_wcost += cost[i]; } if (cursel.substring(1,2)=="D"){ cost[i] = cnt[i] * 3; total_dcost += cost[i]; } if (cursel.substring(1,2)=="B"){ if (total_cars + total_racers + total_wheels == 0){ cost[i] = (cnt[i] * 12) + 4; total_bcost += cost[i]; } else { cost[i] = cnt[i] * 12; total_bcost += cost[i]; } } } } }